Discover How To Build & Scale A Consistent And Predictable Business In 2023

For All The Money Makers and Action Takers who want to get more clients online and build a million dollar network.

Where: Sonesta Resort - Hilton Head, SC
When: April 20 - 22nd 2023

Early Bird Pricing Ends:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

You're Invited To Money Maker LIVE!

This is your chance to meet the A-team, work directly with us in-person, and receive the BEST business support from our experts for 3 straight days....
....for only $297!

WHY ONLY $297?

Because I believe in the power of getting together for live events and meeting in person.⁣

I attended my first event when I was just starting my entrepreneurial journey. It had such a profound impact on me that since then, I have made it a point to go to as many in person events as I possibly could each year.

Each event that I have attended has given me a deeper clarity on myself as an entrepreneur which has only made a positive impact on my business.

💛Events are where I've found clarity in my marketing strategies.⁣
💛They are where I've discovered some of my most powerful untold industry secrets that you just don't hear about online.⁣
💛They are where I've made some of my best friends in business today.⁣
💛They are where I found a deeper BELIEF in myself to succeed.⁣

I understand what it's like to 'feel alone' as an entrepreneur with your goals & aspirations, to not know what to do next in your business or who to mastermind with. 

This event is designed to transform all of that.⁣

My goal for when you leave Money Maker Live, is that you’ll have a newly energized vision and plan of attack for your marketing, sales, and business to scale past your current revenue goals for 2022.

It’s time to Believe in the POWER of being present in the SAME ROOM as other driven, ambitious, and unstoppable entrepreneurs.

Each event that I have attended has given me deeper clarity on myself as an entrepreneur which has only made a positive impact on my business.

💛Events are where you’ll find clarity in your marketing strategies.⁣

💛They are where you’ll discover some of the most powerful untold industry secrets that you just don't hear about online.⁣

💛They are where you’ll make some of your best friends in business.⁣

💛They are where you’ll find a deeper BELIEF in yourself to succeed.⁣

I understand what it's like to 'feel alone' as an entrepreneur with your goals & aspirations, to not know what to do next in your business, or WHO to mastermind with.

This event is designed to transform all of that.⁣

My goal for when you leave Money Maker Live, is that you’ll have a newly energized vision and plan of attack for your marketing, sales, and business to scale past your current revenue goals for 2022.

I have strategically created multiple opportunities to cultivate community each day of the event through roundtables, interpersonal workshops, and evening gatherings.

MNY MKR Live was created for people like us.

Let’s be real, society tells us that money is hard to come by… but that's simply not the truth.

Money is easy to make and it can be easy to provide for your family.

There are so many ways you can create money.

It's NOT just for people that are wealthy…CREATING wealth is for people like us.

Knowing and understanding what to do to create money from a holistic perspective is exactly how you’ll generate your own wealth.

And that’s why MNY MKR Live isn’t about teaching you to follow my tactics…

It’s about getting you to actually UNDERSTAND the psychology of creating wealth and making sales.

It’s about giving you the TOOLS to create new belief systems around your access to money, and your ability to create wealth. 

🎉 Empowering entrepreneurs is my freaking jam! 🎉

Meet Your Host

Alyssa J Dillon

Hi! I am Alyssa, a former CFO turned Money Making Maven, Founder and CEO of the Money Maker Movement. After dedicating my career to managing other peoples Millions I set out to make my own.

I ditched the grind of corporate America to build a life that I truly love. Through this process I discovered my REAL Mission. I believe I was put on this earth to help women own their life and reach their full potential. I am here to teach women how to maximize their income and create an impact that will be felt for generations.

Outside of running my company I am a mom, a wife, an artist, and part of a CrossFit cult. If you can't find me doing those things - I am traveling and drinking margaritas. 🍹

Your Guest Speakers

Each speaker will focus on money and wealth creation. They’ve been entrusted with the very specific duty of sharing their greatest assets with you, and to work along side you to help you develop a new understanding of your ability to create wealth. 

Laura Catella

8-figure copywriter, million dollar business owner, copywriting & transformational development coach.
Laura’s sales letters win because of her unique blend of emotional, hard-hitting copy, with hypnotic brand messaging. Laura’s mentees exponentially increase their revenue, confidence, clarity, and authority status -- they’ve called their growth “magic” but the strategies that get them the results are repeatable and reliable.

Tammy Pereira

I’m more than just a FACEBOOK ADS EXPERT. I’m also a corporate marketing and advertising consultant, strategist, speaker, and online business owner—and I practice what I PREACH!

For over 20 years I’ve been working in marketing utilizing new and traditional media for billion-dollar companies and ad agencies, as well as my own company. That means, not only do I understand the world of online digital marketing, but I know HOW TO CREATE AN ONLINE BUSINESS WITH FACEBOOK ADVERTISING.

I’ve helped both corporate brands & start-ups sell millions of dollars of products and services online and offline. And I’m ready to help you take your biz to the next level!

Johanna Sanchez

Johanna is a direct response copywriter and co-founder of Unhinged Growth, LLC. Her passion is helping free-speaking entrepreneurs connect with their audience and live the life they’re designed for. Her goal is to remind people that fun is a requirement, not a reward so they can show up as their authentic selves and can make more money without sacrificing their values.

She loves writing, but promoting change is the thing that gets her up in the morning. Johanna coaches her clients to make deeper connections, build stronger relationships, and have fun becoming sought-after experts in their fields.

Aside from writing, Johanna's a mom to 4 kids who loves crafting, spending time outside, and trying new things.

Katie Mae

Katie is a mindset coach and mentor who specializes in helping powerhouse women experience their relationships as they truly desire. In overcoming her own difficulties in her relationships and marriage, she found that the process of healing herself exposed that vulnerability was the true superpower she had been rejecting within herself all along. Katie’s background in Human and family development almost led her on a path to becoming a marriage and family therapist, when she discovered the world of coaching and ended up finding her true life’s calling.

Katie has helped countless high achieving women transform the relationships in their lives by taking them through her proprietary coaching method’s three pillars of communication, boundaries, and connection.

Shanita Jones CPA

Shanita Jones took the leap from corporate to public on nothing but faith and the support of her husband and family. Today she is the CEO of Jones Taxes & Financial Services, LLC, which specializes in accounting and tax preparation for healthcare and childcare companies. Her clients affectionately call Shanita and her team “The Accountants that Care''. Her accounting firm helps business owners build scalable and salable businesses through the proactive use of tax and accounting strategies so they can experience the financial freedom they
need to educate, impact, and empower the world one child at a time.

Shanita is also the founder of the Childcare Accounting and Business Academy which equips, empowers and educates childcare business owners with the business and accounting skills necessary to take financial control of their own futures by teaching them how to do their own books and handle the business side of things. In addition to coaching childcare business owners, Shanita also coaches accountants helping them use paid and organic strategies to grow their firms.

Meet The A-Team

Alexis Floyd

Client Success Manager and Resident Cheerleader. Alexis is the hype woman of AJD Inc. She has been with the company for 2 years and taken a huge interest in personal and business related development. This growth has allowed her to try many new things and become an integral part of the A-Team.

Alexis usually spends her days on coaching calls with our awesome clients, creating project boards for our team, planning out client trainings and brainstorming a bunch of crazy ideas. She also loves supporting the team with her superior memory. 

Seriously, if you can't remember something, just ask Alexis.
In her free time, Alexis enjoys spending time with her 2 sweet daughters and husband. She also loves to support her local community by coaching the youth cheerleading teams. For fun, Alexis loves to have dance parties with her girls, bake, crochet, and even has a little side hustle making beautiful leather children's bows!

Alli DeVlieger

Marketing Manager and Tech Goddess. Alli is Alyssa's right-hand woman and has been around since the beginning of AJD Inc. She normally works in the background making sure all of our tech is running smoothly and looking sexy, emails are going out, and content is scheduled but she also loves to help in client-facing roles when she can deliver trainings and help our clients work through the tough stuff! She has evolved with the business and adapted to fit almost every role on the team!

In her personal time, you can find Alli at the baseball or football field with her 2 sons and husband, soaking in a scalding hot bath, or doing CrossFit with Alyssa. For fun, Alli loves to sing karaoke, dance to early 2000's hip hop, and crochet! 

She hopes that your biggest takeaway from this event is realizing that you can do whatever the hell you put your mind to and that you have a support system with us always!

DAY 1: Wealth & Leadership
  (Thursday April 20th)

Today is about debunking the myths you have around money so you can start to see what’s possible for you.

8:30 AM - Registration in front of Salon E

9:45 AM Doors open to event room

10:00 AM - Morning Trainings & Workshops

12:35 PM - Lunch Break

1:35 PM - Afternoon Training & Workshops

4:05 PM - End Of Day 1

7 PM - 9 PM - Mixer at bar in the lobby *All event attendees invited*

DAY 2: Traffic & Clients
 (Friday April 21st)

You’ll develop new strategies around money that will push your revenue past your current goals. 

9:45 AM - Doors Open to Event Room

10:00 AM - Morning Trainings & Workshops

12:30 PM - Lunch Break

1:30 PM - Afternoon Trainings & Workshops

4:05 PM - End of Day 2

7:00 - 9:00 PM - VIP Dinner *For MMM Full and VIPs Only - Mid Island Lawn*

DAY 3: Community & Fulfillment 
(Saturday April 22nd)

You’ll form everything from the previous two days into a functioning plan that you can implement right away. PSST! You won’t leave with a bunch of words in a notebook that you stick on a shelf and forget about. You’re going to create an east to implement action plan for the next 90 days!

9:45 AM - Doors Open to Event Room

10:00 AM - Morning Trainings & Workshops

12:40 PM - Lunch Break

1:40 PM - Afternoon Trainings & Workshops

3:45 PM - End of Day 3

Virtual Bonuses Include

Private Facebook Event Group

Private Virtual Lunch with Alyssa on Day 1

Private Facebook Group Chat

Pre-Event Trainings

Private Speaker Q&A Opportunities

Recordings from Last Years Buffalo Event

FB Group Training + Swipe Files

That’s three epic days designed to push your money beliefs past what you ever thought were possible for only $297.

The expert speakers time alone is worth $78k if you were to hire them 1:1

My consulting fee is $20k

Access to the A-team for 1-hour is $997

You’re getting real-time access to everything you need to understand the psychology of creating wealth, what strategies will scale you past your current goals, and how to implement them in the next 90 days for just $297.

Check out what people have said who attended our last Live Event!


Where can I find the detailed itinerary of the live event?
My goal for when you leave Money Maker Live, is that you’ll have a newly energized vision and plan of attack for your marketing, sales, and business to scale past your current revenue goals for 2023. We didn’t include hour by hour speaking slots in the schedule because we’ll be putting puzzle pieces together as we go, so the hours will be customized with your best results in mind. ⁣
Just know we’ll be starting early everyday at 10:00am, taking breaks in-between, and providing breakfast and lunches everyday. ⁣Our only expectation for you to receive the biggest impact - is attend the ENTIRE EVENT.⁣
We promise it’ll be worth it and you don’t want you to miss out on everything we’ve been planning for you. ⁣
Missing just ONE speaker, could have you leaving big money on the table.⁣
What are the dates of the live event?
The Event is Happening April 20th through April 22nd 2023
Can I bring a guest?
You may bring a guest, but they must purchase their own ticket. 
What should I wear? 
There is no formal dress code for the event. Our meeting room WILL be on the cool side though, so plan accordingly and bring an additional sweater, wrap, or jacket. 
Any other questions?
Email with any additional questions!
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